26 February 2013

Coming Soon

First off, I just discovered that blogger has a smartphone app. This is blindingly obvious in retrospect but still an amazing discovery.  These days, I'm spending less time on my computer, so I'm hoping this will let me post more often.  (And, my apologies in advance if this contains more typos than usual. I'm trying to edit as I write on this smallish screen, which is rarely a good idea.)

About that projects challenge: it is going surprisingly well. I decided against tracking weekly goals and instead have started two running lists. One is my list of projects that just need to be done. This list helps me get things out of my overcrowded head and reassures me that I'm not forgetting anything important or time critical.  I usually review it whenever I need to add something.

The second list is my goals for the day.  I often include household chores or errands on this list in addition to the broken down tasks needed to accomplish the goals from the first list.  It's a great reminder that I am doing important work, even when "projects" aren't getting done.  After all, healthy meals and clean homes don't happen by magic!  The most important thing about this list is that it has permission to roll over unfinished items to the next day.  I try to remember that there will always be "things to do" and as long as my family is fed and safe and loved, I am doing okay.

What I'm finding with this project is reassurance that I am making progress, albeit slowly.  Coming to terms with the new, postpartum pace of my life has been rough.  Seeing that I am accomplishing goals (I never delete an entry, just check it off) lets me cut myself slack on days where I can't get anything done.  I am relearning how to give myself room to breathe.

There will be pictures soon of some of my completed crafting projects. I'm working on one for a friend who just had her third adorable little one and that will take priority for a few more days.  Right now it's more important for me to accomplish than brag but I hope to be up to that soon, too!  I'm also making good progress with my reading, averaging a book per week this month.  My goal this year is 45 books.  It's ambitious but I like to aim high.  Unfortunately, financial goals are not going as well this year, due to the realities of renting out our property when we live across the country.

What projects are going well for you right now?  Any particular goals of mine that you're interested in?

1 comment:

  1. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, details are on my blog!
