It's Fall! It's Fall! It's Fall!
Well, at least temporarily. I'm sure Summer will rear its head one more time, but the weather for the last few days has been gorgeous. In the mean time, I know it's fall because after I got up this morning, the dogs resumed their daily cold weather ritual of trotting downstairs and laying in the sun beam in the living room. It's terribly cute, especially once it gets cold out and you can watch the dogs scoot as the sunbeam slowly precesses across the floor.
Since I've been looking at my upcoming schedule for the last few days, I'm seriously in the mood for Christmas to be here. We're already invited to 3 holiday events and there's December's book club to look forward to. I was looking online this morning to find a local astronomy group for stargazing (unsuccessful, still looking) and stumbled across this little gem: a local Nutcracker show! It's apparently put on by a non-profit ballet group on the gulf coast for one day in December. No info on price, but the shows are Saturday the 4th, at 2 and 7 pm. Who wants to go?!?
Also, who wants to go to the symphony?
fall is my favorite season and the winter holidays (thanksgiving included) are my favorite holidays! i'm SOOO with you!